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Voices Together

“…the Voices Together program resulted in significant increases in communication skills among children with developmental disabilities.”

Dr. Geraldine Dawson

Director, Duke University Center for Autism and Brain Development

Research studies affirm that Voices Together’s proprietary VOICSS® therapeutic intervention works for individuals with neurodiversities.

A Preliminary Investigation of a Specialized Music Therapy Model for Children with Disabilities Delivered in a Classroom Setting

Autism Research and Treatment | November 23, 2016

Researchers from Duke University’s Bass Connections and the Social Science Research Institute’s Education and Human Development Incubator found that students with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities progressed from one-word to phrase speech after 15 weeks of VOICSS®  intervention, significantly improving both communication and social skills.

An Investigation of a Classroom-Based Specialized Music Therapy Model for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Voices Together Using the VOICSS™ Method

Published January 31, 2020

This project evaluated the Voices Together program model with a Teacher Toolbox component and included teacher training sessions and implementation into the classroom.