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Voices Together

Linda Foxworth brings more than 50 years of experience working with young children with special needs and their families. She founded the KidSCope program in 1988 in Orange County, N.C., growing the program over 30 years to include inclusive childcare, mental health and family support, childcare consultation and early intervention for children ages 0-5 and their families in Orange and Chatham Counties.

In 1980, Foxworth founded and directed Sycamore Preschool, the first full-time inclusive child care center in Orange County. She also instituted the first child care consultation program for children with special needs at Durham County Mental Health Center in 1984.

She served as president of the North Carolina Association of Directors of Developmental Day Centers for two terms and chaired the Orange County local interagency coordinating council for three terms. She co-founded Child Care Services Association and served on its board of directors from 1980-2005.

Foxworth served on numerous local and statewide committees and task forces. In 2012, she founded and currently co-chairs the Orange Chatham Early Childhood Mental Health Task Force. KidSCope currently offers Voices Together programming in its Chatham County and Chapel Hill locations.